Welcome to the internetopenurla.blogspot.com. The idea for this blog came out of a desire to show people, step by step, how to successfully reverse malware to fully understand it's capabilities and characteristics.
If you look around on the Internet, you will find little tips and tricks on what to look for to recognize malware. Some of the information will get a little into reversing malware as well. We have yet to find a source which will show how to reverse malware from start to finish with new samples in the wild.
We aim to do just that with this blog. Each month we will take a sample from the wild and reverse it in two ways. One of us will perform static analysis on the specimen and show step by step how we do that. Each step will contain the necessary information to deduce what the sample does one layer at a time, until we fully understand the capabilities for the code. This will include what tools were used, screen shots of the output of the tools and any custom settings used in the tools to get the necessary output.
The second way we will look at malware will be to put it through dynamic analysis. The results will include pcap captures of traffic that it generates, screen shots and discussions of what changes it made to the test system and any configuration changes that might have needed to be done to get the specimen to run properly in the lab.
At the end of the day, our aim is to help people understand the steps that it takes to successfully understand malware so you can reverse it yourselves. Up until now, it has seemed like this black art that only certain ninjas knew the secret of. We aim to clear that up so that others can start on the exciting journey of reversing malware.
What previous knowledge should you have?
Obviously it helps if you are familiar with programming in some language. C and assembly are very helpful to know, but you need not be able to write fully functional programs in each. You will find this a more necessary skill when doing static analysis.
Knowledge of how to use virtual environments such as VMWare or Virtual box, to name a few, will be helpful. We will show you how to build a lab utilizing these and other tools to do your analysis.
Other than that, we hope to teach you the things you need to know to become successful. Each post will explain each step carefully for the novice reverse engineer. This will include how to configure tools, how to change settings on tools to get expected results, and detailed explanation of the results so you understand what your looking at.
Who are we?
Curt Shaffer is an Enterprise Architect at Synaptek Corporation where he serves as a US Government contractor. His daily routine involves defining security architecture, incident response, IPS/IDS/DLP signature analysis, and malware reversing. Curt has over 12 years of professional experience in the industry and has consulted on wireless, network and systems infrastructure to a variety of markets including ISP's, federal and local government agencies and SMB's.
Jamy Klein is a Security Engineer at Qualcomm Inc. where he performs duties such as as security system design and operation including technologies such as encryption, DLP, web proxies, and processes such as malware investigation, and incident response. Jamy has 10 years of professional security experience working in various industries, including financial, government, insurance, medical, and high technology.
You're doing a very professionnel work, keep posting :)