Sunday, October 17, 2010

Intro to Dynamic Analysis Part 1

Curt has covered static analysis quite well and briefly mentioned dynamic analysis. At this point you are probably wondering what is dynamic analysis? Simply put, it is the act of running the code and observing what happens.

Infecting a system with malware from the wild can be very dangerous. A malware infection on your system can cause everything from destruction of personal data to bot infection, to performance degradation, and all the way to complete data loss. At this point you might be saying, “I already know it is dangerous, but I need to analyze malware.” Many of us in the information security world have that same need whether it is for job duties or personal research to learn about threats in the wild, my goal is to give you some insight into building a malware analysis lab environment to start your dynamic analysis.

The first technology needed to start your own malware analysis, and I feel the most important, is a virtual machine (VM) environment. A VM environment provides several advantages over a physical environment including, configurable resources, advanced disaster recovery, and isolation.

Virtual environments are based on the concept of resource sharing and reutilization. This means that once a virtual environment is installed onto a physical system, you will have the ability to configure as many VM’s as you want by slicing up the physical systems resources. In addition, the VM environment kernel, also known as the hypervisor, allows all the VM’s to share memory and processor time. In practical use, this allows a research to for example have multiple Windows installations on a single system with only 2 GB of RAM, where as in a physical environment the same 2 GB system would only allow one installation.

Virtual environments provide several advantages over physical environments when it comes to disaster recovery. The most important advantage for malware analysis is the ability to snap shot. Snapshotting is the ability to capture the system configuration a specific point in time and to gracefully rollback to a snap shot. The advantage here is that a malware researcher can run malware in a live environment to determine what the malware does, then once done roll the system back to a clean state. Before virtual environments researchers had to rebuild their lab machines using install media to go back to a clean environment.

The last advantage that VM environments provide us is isolation. The resource sharing and control of virtual environments also gives us the capability to easily isolate machines from one another. With this capability we can easily take a machine we want to run malware on an isolate it from other systems. In the case of a bot net, we could add a system to the virtual environment to simulate the command and control function, while only allowing the command and control and our original infected host to communicate.

There are several good VM tools available both commercially and free. Which one you should use is completely up to you. My only recommendation is to look at either VMWare’s tools or Sun’s Virtual Box, both tools support the use of .vmdk files which means that you can use many of the pre-built virtual appliances available on the net.

look for part two, in which I will go over setting up your malware analysis VM.


  1. I get the feeling that it's best to use a separate, dedicated computer or OS partition for analyzing malware, but that's a lot of work. Would a VM provide a good enough wall of separation from the host OS for at least the example malware you'll be showing on this blog?

  2. A VM in host only network mode provides a very good level of isolation. Just be aware that there are some pieces of malware that exist that attempt various tricks to break out of VM's.

  3. If you choose to go the route of Virtual Box, you may want to keep a VMware tool called "OVF Tool" handy... it will convert your VMware virtual machine into an open format that you can then import into Virtual Box (Import Appliance...). Point it to your VM's .vmx file, give it a target directory, and it will create a copy of your virtual machine in the OVF format. Very handy..


    Download the tool:

  4. i think you can change the color of the blog, that black make my eyes hurt.. it's just an opinion.

    Nice post!
